Is the price you’re quoted, the price you pay?

Not always. It depends upon the details you disclose in your full Application form.

STEP 1 of 2
Type of cover
Life Insurance       Mortgage Life Insurance
Cover Level (£)

Number of years
Do you want:  
Critical illness cover
Family income benefit

Hot Topics

Why are the insurance prices on the Internet so low?
The Internet is undoubtedly the cheapest marketplace to buy insurance. There are two main reasons: -
Is it better to have a Guaranteed or a Reviewable premium?
In the medium to longer term we believe that a Reviewable policy will cost you more than a Guaranteed policy. On the other hand Reviewable policies do have the advantage of a lower premium at the outset and this appeals to many people, especially if budgets are tight.
Could you end up paying more for insurance than someone else the same age?
Yes you might, because your age is only one of many aspects the insurance company takes into account when determining your premium.
Once you've got your quote, what's the next step?
If you decide to go ahead you’ll need to fill in an Application form.
What happens If I stop Paying my Premiums?
Your policy will be automatically cancelled. If this is what you want you need take no action and your insurance cover will cease. You have no commitments to make further payments.
However, to put this in context, in our experience 88% of people who apply for life insurance qualify for the initial price quoted.

The quotation provided assumes that you are generally in good health for your age, you do not have a job that represents a risk to your health, your blood-line family does not have a history of hereditary ill-health, you do not follow dangerous pursuits or regularly visit countries with known health problems and you have a generally healthy lifestyle.

If any of these assumptions do not apply, then the insurance company will want more information. They may also ask for more information if you are asking for a large sum to be insured. We think that this is all fair enough as your insurer needs to know what level of risk they are taking on in order to decide whether their original quote can stand.

If the insurance company does ask you for more details, or even to have a medical, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they will want to charge you more.

To put things in context, in our experience 88% of people who apply for life insurance qualify for the initial quoted price.

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