Is there a minimum or maximum premium for critical illness cover?

Minimum premiums vary from company to company but they can be as little as £5 per month.

STEP 1 of 2
Type of cover
Life Insurance       Mortgage Life Insurance
Cover Level (£)

Number of years
Do you want:  
Critical illness cover
Family income benefit

Hot Topics

What could Critical Illness cover be used for?
Anything you want. Medical expenses, repaying the mortgage, making your home easier to live in, school fees, general living expenses, but to name a few.
Are Critical Illnesses In Pregnancy Covered?
Pregnancy does not affect any claim under critical illness insurance. It would be hard to make a case that pregnancy was a ‘self-inflicted injury’!
Is there a minimum or maximum premium for critical illness cover?
Minimum premiums vary from company to company but they can be as little as £5 per month.
What is the difference between Critical Illness cover and Terminal Illness cover?
Critical Illness Insurance is much more comprehensive than Terminal Illness cover. 1 in 5 men and 1 in 6 women suffer a critical illness before their usual retirement age.
What if you develop another critical illness or have a reoccurrence of a Critical Illness ?
After a successful claim the insured sum will be paid to you and that ends the policy. There can be no further claims.
There is no fixed maximum premium for these policies as your premium is determined by the amount of cover being arranged, combined with the details of your age and health etc.

Your main consideration should be to provide yourself with the level of protection you really need to maintain your lifestyle should you be diagnosed with a critical illness.

Only compromise if you think you will be unable to afford the monthly premiums.

Some companies will allow you to increase the sum insured at a later date and this may be exactly the type of flexibility you need.

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