Will you need a medical?

The answer really depends upon your medical history.

STEP 1 of 2
Type of cover
Life Insurance       Mortgage Life Insurance
Cover Level (£)

Number of years
Do you want:  
Critical illness cover
Family income benefit

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Will your medical history affect your premium?
Yes, your medical history is a very important factor.
Do I have to pay the Life Insurance Broker a fee?
Absolutely not! ClickLife, our Partners for Life Insurance, purely work on commission.
Will you need a medical?
The answer really depends upon your medical history.
Can you get a quotation now online?
No. ClickLife, our Partner for Life Insurance Quotes , take your information online and then phone you back with details of the best policy they can find. They will also give you help to find the polic that suits your needs.
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After you have received your quotation it is up to you if you want to make an application. Within the Application Pack you will find an Application form from your proposed insurer which you will have to complete. This form will contain questions about you health both past and present and, indeed, a few questions about your mother and father’s health record.

From your answers, the Insurance Company will decide whether it requires more information about your health. If the insurer does require more information, they are most likely to write, with your approval, to your GP for further information. Dependent upon your health or what your GP reports, the Insurance Company may also decide that it needs a second opinion or an up to date assessment of your health. If this is the case, they will ask you to have a medical.

A medical can take either of two forms; a short visit to your home by the insurers medical representative or a more, in depth, assessment at Doctors/Consultants consulting rooms. In either case, the whole cost of the medical is met by the Insurance Company.

You should know that the medical report is the property of the Insurance Company and you will not have access to its’ conclusions. However, if anything of concern is identified, the Insurer or Doctor will normally let you know.

Finally, we should remind you that you should always be totally truthful when you complete your Application form. If you do not disclose anything they ask you about, or are “economical with the truth”, then any subsequent claim will be invalidated.

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