Brokers Online Logo

Company Information


Brokers Online is infact a trading name of Andromeda Webs Ltd, a company that specialises in marketing on the internet.

We pride ourselves on providing detailed and comprehensive information for all our website visitors - however, we never provide any personal advice, we always leave that up to our Product Partners who'll arrange everthing for you.

Andromeda Webs is privately owned and we have great pride in the enthusiasm and committment of all our staff. Consequentally we operate a generous Profits Sharing Scheme for all our employees.

Our Privacy Statement

Our Terms of Business


-- Please Note --
This website endeavours to provide general information in relation to various financial products. We hope you find this information useful. In no circumstances should the information we provide be construed as Brokers Online providing you with specific advice in relation to your own circumstances or on the suitability for you personally, of any product or service referred to within this website.