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What does pet insurance cover?
Standard pet insurance policies provide cover for:
When can my pet insurance cover start?
Cover will usually start as soon as your application is received and accepted, however there many well be some exclusions.
How does Third Party Liability work?
Third party liability is only usually included in your pet insurance policy if you have a dog, although some policies will cover cats too. It means that if your pet causes damage to a third party, whether it involves property, another person or another pet, the pet insurance will cover the costs.
Why insure your horse?
After your home and car, a horse will probably be the most expensive purchase you'll ever make – that's why it makes good sense to protect your investment.
Are there any time limits on when I can make a claim for the death of my horse?
The general rule is that your insurance company will pay the market value of your horse if it dies or is humanely destroyed within 12 months of the date of first clinical signs of injury or illness.

What are the principles of pet insurance?

Pet insurance is designed to take the worry out of owning a pet - ensuring that if your pet falls ill or has an accident, you can take your pet straight to the vet without having to consider potentially expensive vet bills.

Pet insurance works in exactly the same way as car or home insurance. Basically, if an incident occurs with or to your pet that is covered by your insurance policy, you can make a claim, and other than the payment of an excess fee, your costs will be covered.

Pet insurance is becoming more and more popular as the cost is relatively small compared to vet bills, which are currently rising at the rate of around 11% per year, Of course, you don't know that you will need to make a claim on your pet insurance, but anyone who has been faced with an unmanageable bill in order to keep their pet alive, will understand that it is better to be covered than not. The fact is, you are quite likely to claim, approximately one in three pet insurance customers make a claim on their pet insurance, compared to one in nine for home insurance and one in seven for motor insurance.