Not At Any Price?
The latest figures from the motoring industry revealed that the number of new registrations in January was over 30 per cent lower than a year ago.
On the other hand, dealers report an increased demand for used cars, saying there was a 20 per cent increase in sales over the year.
It seems that many cars are so well built nowadays that they’re seen as an excellent buy when they’re second hand. Without the registration plate to give away the age of a car, it’s often very difficult to tell whether it’s a “just run in” vehicle or a couple of years old. People are worried about their jobs and seem to be prepared to forego that “new car” experience.
If it has to be new, then it seems to be the time to start to look for bargains as the fall in demand has resulted in some impressive promotional offers from the manufacturers. If new car sales continue to fall, there could be some real deals out there.