help! ive been refused for a mortgage

Wed Mar 04, 2023 2:04 pm
by peterveggie
my bank has turned me down for a mortgage. what can i do? seems its to do with my credit rating - but ive done nothing wrong. what can i do now?
Re: help! ive been refused for a mortgage

Tue Mar 31, 2023 10:43 am
by Broker Boy
u have to find out from your bank which credit referencing bureau they used. they have to provide this info. u can then apply to the credit agency for a copy of ur credit report. it will cost u £2. Then carefully check thro the report and see if there is any incorrect info on it. if there is, speak to the credit agency and find out what u have to do to get the info corrected. this can be messy and take some time. when any errors have been corrected to ur file, u can then speak again to ur bank and ask them to reconsider.