how long do i need tohave been employed?

Thu Sep 10, 2023 10:05 am
by AJ Wilson
I joined my new employer 8 weeks ago and because the company appears to be struggling a bit, i think i should take out redundancy insurance. do i have to have worked for a minimum period with my employer before i can get this insurance?
Re: how long do i need tohave been employed?

Tue Sep 15, 2023 3:32 pm
by Broker Boy
Some policies do want you to have been employed for 3 months before you take out a policy but others do not stipulate a minimum. What IS critical is that you will be unable to get insurance if the company has made any official indications that you may become redundant - if so, you will be uninsurable. If this does not apply and you do get insurance, many policies will require you to have worked 3 months before you can make a claim. Carefully check out the policy details before you sign up.
Broker Boy