i made a mistake on my life insurance application

Tue Mar 31, 2023 12:14 pm
by peterveggie
when i applied for life insurance last november i forgot to tell norwich union that id had a prostrate problem. i realised when they sent me a copy of my application after id taken it out. i meant to ring them to explain but never got round to it. what should i do?
Re: i made a mistake on my life insurance application

Mon Apr 20, 2023 10:22 am
by Broker Boy
You need to sort this out straight away. If you had a claim, the insurance company would NOT pay out. When there is a claim, they would want to see your medical notes from your GP and your prostrete problem is sure to come up.They would see that the problem existed before you started your policy and that would almost certainly void your policy.
I suggest that the simpist way to resolve this is to reapply for life insurance through a broker but not to the insurer with whom you are already insured. Disclose EVERYTHING and get the best deal you can. In the normal situation when switching insurers, you would not cancell your standing policy until you had your replacement policy in place. However, in your case the insurer would void the policy as soon as they knew about your prostrate problem so I see little point in you continuing to pay the monthly premium.
Get moving now and be very careful whist crossing the road!
Best of luck.